Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Learning Blog

After re-reading my rough draft to my article, I realized there were a few minor details that I needed to add in then I was set. A few times I caught myself trying to write in a different context. I would have to go back and shorten the more descriptive, lengthy sentences and make them shorter. To me, newspaper articles are both descriptive and short. This was particularly difficult for me because I'm used to writing longer essay-type assignments. Throughout the paper, I kept asking myself what would be interesting to read. I tried to come up with interesting facts to put in the paper. In my interviews, I got pretty much the same answers as I expected. I put the opinions in my article but honestly could have done fine without them. I would have liked more diverse answers as well as a wider range of interviewees. The two people that I interviewed were the same age. Other than that, I feel like I did well on this article considering I am used to a completely different style of writing.

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